
Where to find Lugicap products

Visit products Lugicap products are available in a variety of ways.

Directly at Lugicap

Then contact us through one of the following channels:

By phone

+33 (0)6 72 69 98 74
We're talking ekyao_langEN_FR French
We speak ekyao_langEN_EN English

By mail

By filling in the following form

Through our distributors

We have established a network of partner distributors in various countries around the world, including Europe, the United States and Canada.

Contact us to find your nearest distributor.

You can then place your order directly with him.

Contact form

Do you need information or a quote? Do you have a project in mind? Just get in touch with us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    5000 max characters.


    Where is Lugicap located?

    Lugicap is based in eastern France, near Besançon.

    2 rue de la Fontaine
    70190 BUTHIERS

    +33 (0)6 72 69 98 74